Lost in the phases

So I’m not sure what phase of the move this is anymore. Tired, yeah the dang, I’m tired phase it is.

We spent time in Ca getting that place ready to sell. We had actually left more than we thought there. Plus some equipment had to be packed in a truck.

Well, it wasn’t easy but we met so many amazing people.

The driver of this truck was same as last and he was so happy to see us. We even hugged like we had known each other forever. Met a new neighbor who even though we only spoke a few times, will miss getting to hang out with him. My realtor who got my place sold. She’s a rockstar and also a hugger.

Once back in NM I needed some equipment to remove other equipment from the moving truck and luckily found someone with a forklift that could and did help out. My amazing brother handled that forklift like a pro. Til they hit some soft dirt. ๐Ÿ˜† No worries tho they got it unstuck and finished up pretty quick.

My new neighbor has a tractor and came over to visit and pulled out a couple mesquite bushes that were in the way. Now these guys didn’t have to help but were all so happy to. Makes my heart swell just being around them.

I hear so many negative stories that all I could think was how wonderful all these people are and how lucky I am to have them cross my path, or I cross theirs.

It seems like everything is just falling into place. I’m incredibly lucky and grateful.

Much love ๐Ÿ’•


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